Speech development disorder and delay (disturbance of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and speech comprehension) also in "late talkers" (children with late onset of speech)
Central auditory perception and processing disorder
Myofunctional Disorder (Muscular dysfunction in the facial area with impaired swallowing function)
Childish aphasia (speech disorder)
Childish / juvenile dysphonia, crying,
Facial palsy (facial paralysis)
LRS (reading-spelling weakness)
Selective mutism
Disturbances of the flow of speech (stuttering and rumbling)
Therapy offers for adults
Aphasia (speech disorder after stroke, traumatic brain injury or central diseases)
Dysarthria (speech movement disorder of the above-mentioned diseases)
Speech apraxia (disturbance of the planning of speech movements)
Dysphagia (organic and functional disorders of food intake, eg after surgery or in all neurological diseases)
Functional or organic dysphonia / aphonia (voice disturbance)